How To Properly Apply Moisturizer

Feeling overwhelmed with tretinoin and moisturizer? You’re not alone! In this blog, you’ll learn the guidelines on when to apply moisturizer after tretinoin to ensure proper absorption and maximum benefit, helping you ace your skincare routine.

So get ready, it’s time to take control of your skin!


Moisturizing is an essential step of any skincare routine, but it becomes even more critical when using tretinoin. Understanding how to properly apply moisturizer and when to do it can make a significant difference in the effectiveness of your skin care regimen.

To get the most benefits from your moisturizer, wait at least 20-30 minutes after applying tretinoin before putting on your moisturizer. This buffer time allows the tretinoin to be fully absorbed into the skin and reduces the risk of irritation or dryness.

Additionally, it’s essential to choose a moisturizer that complements the effects of tretinoin. An ideal moisturizer for use with tretinoin is fragrance-free, non-comedogenic, and preferably contains humectant ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, or ceramides to boost skin hydration levels.

Pro tip: If you still experience redness or dryness despite waiting to apply moisturizer, consider using a hydrating serum before moisturizing.

How long should you wait to apply moisturizer after tretinoin

Moisturizers are an essential component of any skincare routine. They offer numerous benefits to the skin, such as hydration, nourishment, and protection.

HydrationMoisturizers help to lock in moisture on the skin’s surface, preventing dryness and flakiness.
Anti-AgingUsing a moisturizer regularly can help decrease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by keeping the skin supple and plump.
ProtectionMoisturizers act as a barrier between your skin and the environment, protecting it from pollutants, free radicals, and harmful UV rays.

How to properly apply moisturizer: After cleansing your face, pat it dry with a towel. Take a pea-sized amount of moisturizer and blot it onto your face, starting with your cheeks and forehead and working your way down to your neck. Massage the moisturizer into your skin using gentle, circular motions to help it absorb.

How long to wait to apply moisturizer after tretinoin: Wait at least 10-15 minutes after applying tretinoin before applying moisturizer to prevent dilution of the retinoid.

Types of Moisturizers

Moisturizers come in many forms, each designed to address specific skin types and concerns. Understanding the different types of moisturizers can help you choose the one that’s best for your skin.

Here are the most common types of moisturizers:

CreamsCreams are the thickest and heaviest type of moisturizer. They work well for those with dry or mature skin as they provide long-lasting hydration.
LotionsLotions are lighter than creams, making them ideal for those with oily or acne-prone skin. They are absorbed quickly and leave a non-greasy finish.
Gel moisturizersGel moisturizers are lightweight and deliver hydration without leaving any residue. These are suitable for those with oily or combination skin.
Oil-based moisturizersThese moisturizers use oils to trap in moisture and keep skin hydrated. They work well for those with dry or sensitive skin.

After applying tretinoin, it’s recommended to wait at least 20-30 minutes before applying moisturizer. This will allow the tretinoin to fully absorb into the skin and minimize the chances of irritation.

How to Apply Moisturizer

Proper application of moisturizer is essential to get the optimal benefits and avoid common mistakes. Here’s a step-by-step guide for applying moisturizer:

1. Cleanse your face thoroughly and gently pat dry with a towel.
2. Take a small amount of moisturizer (pea-size) and dot it around your face, focusing on the cheeks, forehead, and chin.
3. Use your fingertips to blend the moisturizer in a circular motion, moving upward and outward from the center of your face.
4. Wait for a few minutes for the moisturizer to absorb into your skin before applying any makeup.

If you are using Tretinoin, it’s crucial to wait for at least 20-30 minutes after applying it before using a moisturizer. This will allow the Tretinoin to penetrate the skin effectively before moisturizing.

How Long to Wait to Apply Moisturizer After Tretinoin

If you’re using tretinoin as part of your skincare routine, it’s important to know how long you should wait before applying moisturizer to ensure maximum effectiveness.

Here’s how to properly apply moisturizer after tretinoin:

Wait at least 20-30 minutes after applying tretinoin to allow it to fully absorb into your skin.
Gently massage a pea-sized amount of moisturizer onto your face, being careful not to rub or irritate the skin.
Choose a moisturizer that is gentle and fragrance-free, to reduce the risk of irritation or inflammation.
If you experience any discomfort or irritation, wait longer before applying moisturizer or consider using a moisturizer specifically designed for sensitive skin.

By waiting the appropriate amount of time and using a gentle, effective moisturizer, you can maximize the benefits of your tretinoin routine and achieve healthy, glowing skin.

Tips for Properly Applying Moisturizer

Moisturizer is a crucial part of any skincare routine, but it’s important to apply it correctly to get the most out of it. Here are some tips for properly applying moisturizer:

Start with a clean and dry face.
Take a small amount of moisturizer and warm it up between your palms.
Gently massage the moisturizer into your skin using upward and outward circular motions.
Pay extra attention to areas that tend to get dry, like your cheeks and forehead.
Wait at least 20-30 minutes after applying tretinoin before applying moisturizer, to avoid diluting its effectiveness.
Use a moisturizer with SPF during the day for added protection against the sun’s harmful rays.
Follow this routine twice a day, once in the morning and once at night, for best results.
Pro tip: Use a separate, heavier moisturizer at night to lock in moisture and help repair your skin while you sleep.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

One of the most common skincare mistakes is applying moisturizer too soon after tretinoin-based products, as it can reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.

After applying tretinoin-based products, it’s essential to wait for at least 20-30 minutes before applying moisturizer[c1], to allow the medication to penetrate into the skin properly.

Here are a few common mistakes you should avoid when applying moisturizer after using tretinoin:

1. Applying moisturizer immediately after tretinoin-based products, which may reduce the effectiveness of the medication.
2. Using a heavy or greasy moisturizer, which may clog pores and worsen acne or other skin issues.
3. Neglecting to apply moisturizer at all, which can lead to dry, flaky, or irritated skin.

To get the most out of your tretinoin-based skincare routine, it’s crucial to wait at least 20-30 minutes after applying the medication before putting on moisturizer, and choose a lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturizer that won’t clog pores.

Pro Tip: Always apply tretinoin to completely dry skin to avoid irritation or redness.


In conclusion, proper application of moisturizer is key to a healthy and hydrated skin, especially when using tretinoin or other topical medications that can cause dryness and flakiness.

Here are the key takeaways:

1. Apply moisturizer to clean, dry skin after washing your face or showering.
2. Wait at least 20-30 minutes after applying tretinoin or any other topical medication before applying moisturizer.
3. Use a moisturizer that is compatible with your skin type and doesn’t clog your pores.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your skin stays hydrated, healthy, and free of irritation or dryness due to tretinoin use.

Pro tip: Look for moisturizers that contain hyaluronic acid, glycerin, ceramides, or other hydrating and soothing ingredients to maximize the moisturizing benefits.